Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tron Legacy

Hi all and Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Tonight at the Geek Easy was Geek Trivia and then followed by Nerdy Karaoke and it was an interesting and energetic mix of the two crowds.  Nerdy Karaoke is usually held on Friday nights and is hosted by The Legendary Dick Steel. Confession time -  I have not had the opportunity to go yet but I have good friends who love it and go every week.  You can always check it out at www.nerdykaraoke.com for more information. Tonight we tackled Tron Legacy - one of the most interesting and coolest films to come out of Disney Studios and has an amazing soundtrack by Daft Punk.  I hope you enjoy our picture . The team drawing the picture this week was  Laura, Matthew, Iman and Marlene and was drawn on Tuesday 17th 2015.

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