Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Steve

I had the pleasure of meeting these fine folks tonight at Geek Trivia who made some really cool table art.

This super friendly group let me take some photos of their table and one of them even drew a Ewok riding a dinosaur for the blog.  Why do you ask?  Cause it's a Ewok riding a friggin dinosaur that's why!  Seriously he is a professional artist who draws caricatures and I'm so glad that he took the time to draw this for me.  Thank you :)

Here are some other drawings from this creative group

All the people who did these drawings gave me their names that I wrote down on a scrap of paper that I then promptly lost.  So sorry.  If you read this please comment below with your names and I will add them to this post.  I do remember seeing on your table "Happy Birthday Steve" in chalk so...Happy Birthday Steve :)

Drawn April 7th 2015

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